AUTOPHAGY: The cell’s adaptive mechanism during fasting

AUTOPHAGY: The cell’s adaptive mechanism during fasting

Autophagy, also called “autolysis” or “autophagocytosis”, comes from the Greek word for “eating oneself”. It is a natural mechanism that consists of the partial degradation of the cell’s contents by the cell itself, cleaning, and recycling within the cell. This phenomenon has been known since the 1960s thanks to the medical doctor and biochemist Christian…

Fasting stages

What are the 5 stages of fasting and their benefits?

We will review the 5 fasting stages, their occurring in the body and benefits. Note that the fasting stages by hour are given as a guide. Indeed, they are essentially valid for water fasting because we will enter these phases more quickly in dry fasting. Moreover, these durations vary from one individual to another but…

Messages from the body: listen to them to better understand them

Messages from the body: listen to them to better understand them

We are increasingly observing and admitting that our body sends messages daily.Indeed, our body tries to speak to us through the sensations of hunger, thirst, tiredness, or various symptoms and physical pains. But, what is it trying to tell us?I suggest answering it through these few lines. Body messages: How are they delivered to us?…

Blue spirulina smoothies

Blue spirulina: health benefits, composition, and side effects

Blue Spirulina is a term that comes up more often in the fields of nutrition, wellness, sports, and everyday life. Indeed, this is one of the main components of these healthy pastel meal colors we can see on Instagram. However, this new form of spirulina has raised many questions and queries. Is there a difference…