Wellness Blog

Pránáyáma – Yoga breathing techniques
Yoga is composed of 8 pillars, among which we find pránáyáma. From “práná” which means breath or strength of life, from “yáma” which speaks about

Types of fasting & what’s right for you
There are many ways to fast and, therefore, many types of fasting. Indeed, there should be as many as there are different people. Certainly, some

Messages from the body: listen to them to better understand them
We are increasingly observing and admitting that our body sends messages daily.Indeed, our body tries to speak to us through the sensations of hunger, thirst,

Hike in France: the Frankenthal
Discover this stunning hiking in France : the Frankenthal. The Frankenthal-Missheimle National Nature Reserve (RNN 126) is a National Nature Reserve in Alsace in the Grand

Blue spirulina: health benefits, composition, and side effects
Blue Spirulina is a term that comes up more often in the fields of nutrition, wellness, sports, and everyday life. Indeed, this is one of

Watermelon mint juice: the perfect refreshing and delicious summer drink!
Watermelon mint juice with lime is a naturally sweetened drink with no added sugar. It’s a delicious and refreshing juice for this hot summer that